Henley Locations:
Market Place is a semi-pedestrianised area located in the centre of Henley directly in front of the Town Hall.

Fairly rare. Not good condition but the only one I have come across. A fairly busy scene. Notice two way traffic and cars and buses parked where Falaise Square is now.
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A view taken in the 1960s of shops adjacent to the town hall in Market Place.
Photo kindly provided by Roy Sadler.
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A view taken in the 1960s of Facy of Henley, Market Place.
Photo kindly provided by Roy Sadler.

A view taken in the 1960s of the Victoria public house, Market Place.
Photo kindly provided by Roy Sadler.

A view taken in the 1960s of the Argyll public house, Market Place.
Photo kindly provided by Roy Sadler.

Not much road traffic in this old photo of Market Place in Henley looking towards the Town Hall.
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Not a car to be seen in this old view of Market Place looking towards Saint Mary's Church. A couple of building of note on the left; Remenham Dairy and "The Oxford".