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Henley Locations:

The River Thames rises at Thames Head in Gloucestershire and flows to the city of London through Henley.

The River Thames rises at Thames Head in Gloucestershire and flows to the city of London through Henley.

Did You Know These Facts About River Thames, Henley?

It's very likely that Henley Royal Regatta was the first sporting event in Brittain filmed way back in 1894 by a Birt Acres The following year was the Derby and Oxford v Cambridge boat race

On the River Thames there are 44 locks and 133 weirs. If these were not in place the Environment Agency estimates the depth of water in the summer would only be around 2ft!!

The distance from Henley Bridge to Wallingford up-stream by river is In old money 25miles 5 furlongs and 7 chains

It is said that the vicar of Holy Trinity Church, during the latter years of the 19th century, would row the regatta course every day of the year in good or bad weather. He wore a starched white shirt, a parson choker and a tall silk hat. What a great character. Need more of these!! Can you verify this? If so please contact us.

Swan Upping happens on a fairly regular basis (not sure how often exactly - once a year?). Back in 1895 when Upping returned they showed a total number of 411. Does anyone know the amount today? It is so recorded that back in 1457 that the Mayor of Reading had the privilege of farming the swans. The farm run ran from Reading to Maidenhead.

There was an outdoor swimming pool in Henley along the Wargrave Road called "The Thames"!! It was on land called Solomon's Hatch and was opened to the public from 6am to 8pm but more note worthy to ladies from 11am to 1pm. This would I guess have been around the late 1880s. Those of you old enough (like myself) will remember a fair summer's day at the venue and sometimes swimming across from the prom, risking life to avoid paying!!

The Henley Regatta Fireworks for Saturday July 4th 2009 were cancelled at the 11th hour. The following statement was released by the organisers: "It is with complete disappointment that the Regatta Fireworks will now not be going ahead tomorrow evening. Wokingham Borough Council have retracted their decision to grant temporary closure of the footpath that runs through Dr Crockett's land. With the footpath remaining we are unable to allow the display to go ahead for Health & Safety reasons."

On 2nd July 1976 the temperature reached 92°F at the local annual regatta where, ("Tsk! Whatever next?") because of the heat, the gentlemen were allowed to remove their jackets but of course not their ties in the Stewards' Enclosure. Read the blog posting for 2nd July 2008.

Reorganising my postcards I came across this poem about Henley. "Low in a vale by woods crowned height o'erhung Where fir and larch, and beech careless flung, With silver Thames slow rolling at her feet, Lies Henley, contemplation's calm retreat."

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