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Henley Locations:

Henley Bridge is a five arched bridge which was built in 1786 that crosses the River Thames from Remenham to Henley.

Henley Bridge is a five arched bridge which was built in 1786 that crosses the River Thames from Remenham to Henley.

Did You Know These Facts About Henley Bridge, Henley?

During the civil war Henley's bridge was damaged beyond repair and a draw bridge was put in its place albeit, on all accounts, short lived. It's not known whether it was the royalist or parliamentary forces who did the damage.

At this moment in time (November 2009) with the sadness and local disaster that has stuck Cockermouth in the Lake District it is topical to mention part of the history of Henley Bridge which was declared unsafe and dangerous in 1774. So much so that they had a ferry boat put in place and there were at the time bridge watchers who were paid to keep an eye on the situation. This was mainly during floods and indeed it was in these exact situations that the bridge was swept away in this same year. A new bridge was not completed until 1786. A full twelve years after its predecessor's destruction!

You may have spotted on Henley Bridge two carved heads on the centre. Both of these works were done by local sculptress Hon Anne Damer. The first which faces up-stream represents Isis and the other facing down-stream represent Thames (Thamesis), symbolising the fabled marriage between the two.

The five-arch bridge was built in 1786 at a cost of £10,000. I thought it might be easy to convert to today's value but struggling with a figure. Looks to be between £1.5M to £3.0M?

In 1930 Norman Wisdom once applied for a job at a local pub (we think the Angel on the Bridge) where he was promptly told he was too small and was immediately sent packing back to London.

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